If you don’t have a password or forgot yours, follow these steps to reset it:

  1. Add Us to Your Contact List: To ensure you receive our emails, add “support@vhx.tv” to your contact list so messages don’t end up in your spam folder.

  2. Log Out: Make sure you’re logged out of your account.

  3. Visit the Login Page: Navigate to the login page and enter your email address.

  4. Click "Next": Proceed by selecting "Next."

  5. Select "Reset Your Password": Below the password field, click "Reset your password."

  6. Enter Your Email Again: On the password reset page, enter your email address and select "Reset Password."

  7. Check Your Email: If you’re an active customer, we’ll email you a link to set a new password. Check your inbox for this email.

  8. Reset Your Password: Click the link in the email and follow the instructions to create a new password.

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