If you have any questions or issues with logging in to your account and/or canceling your subscription, please send us an email and we will be happy to help you.
You can submit a cancellation\pause request here - Cancel/ Pause Form

If you signed up via a third-party platform, like Apple, Android, Roku, or Amazon Fire, you will need to cancel your subscription via the given platform!

Apple TV

If you subscribed via the IZZY – Stream Israel Apple TV/tvOS app and want to cancel, you have to do so manually via the instructions from Apple here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039.

Note: We are not able to cancel this Apple subscription for you. You must do it from your end manually.


If you subscribed via the IZZY – Stream Israel iOS app and want to cancel, you have to do so manually. Follow these instructions from Apple: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039#iOS.

Note: We are not able to cancel this for you. You must do it from your device.


If you subscribed via the IZZY – Stream Israel Android app, you will need to manually cancel on Google Payments, as instructed here: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/7018481

If you have trouble canceling there, see: https://play.google.com/store/account/subscriptions

Note: We are not able to cancel this Android subscription for you. You will need to do it from your end manually.

Amazon Fire

Since you subscribed via the IZZY – Stream Israel Amazon Channel, you will need to manually adjust or cancel your subscription in your Amazon account. See Amazon's instructions on how to do so here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GDT2SXJJ7K49JKYE

Note: We are not able to cancel this Amazon subscription for you. You will need to do it from your end manually.


Since you subscribed via the IZZY – Stream Israel Roku Channel, you will need to manually cancel in Roku settings, as instructed here: https://support.roku.com/article/208756478-how-do-i-manage-or-cancel-a-subscription

Note: We are not able to cancel this Roku subscription for you. You will need to do it from your device manually.

Search the Help Center to find answers, or if you're still having trouble, please send an email to hello@israelmedia.group.